Wednesday, May 19, 2010

So, we have been a little busy....

We have been on the move...literally! It has been a very busy month for this Momma.  I can't talk long, but wanted to update some pictures.  If you haven't heard we have moved to Western Oklahoma.  We are really enjoying our new home and have been meeting some very friendly people.  Below is a list just to give you a glimpse of what has been going on in our lives in the past month:

Boxed up a house and moved
Painted a couple of rooms in our new house
Unboxed what we just boxed
Moved a toddler into a big girl bed
Easter Celebration with Family
Made shudders for our new house
Painted furniture for Lilly's big girl room
Traveled to celebrate Piper's 2 year Birthday Party
Walked with friends for March of Dimes
Had Mother's Day with Family
Started Potty Training a 2 year Old......Okay this one has to be the hardest of them all!
Learning how to do all of this with a new born!

A post of our new house and a little more detail about this new life of ours will be on here soon.  Enjoy!

Easter 2010

Here we are last week during the Tornado that hit near our home.  Lilly loved getting out of bed to get into the "Cave" with the whole family.  She just pretended she was a bear and had a ball!  Only my Lilly would think this was fun!


Amanda said...

the family pic and the mother-daughter pic is great!

both josh and me think sophia looks soooo much like lilly at that age!

good luck potty-training! I think we are going to attempt next month after casen's dental work is over. we'll see how it goes....

albert & codie said...

I'm so glad you posted! I was really excited to see pictures of Sophia ... she looks a lot like Lilly!! You have two beautiful girls. And, your hair is getting very long! So pretty. Glad the move went smoothly. Good luck with potty training!

Shelly said...

Piper really enjoyed looking at the new pics. She's been asking to see 'Wulwy' and 'Pia' everyday! Sophia is the spitting image of Lilly even more than she used to be. I love the pic of her in the ducky towel! Can't wait to see your new home. Oh, and Piper saw the cow pics from Lilly's bday and said, "I cry at cow" w/a worried face. ha!!

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