Wednesday, December 17, 2008

The weather outside is frightful

Lilly and I have been enjoying this cold weather. We traveled last week to visit Piper and Shelly while Michael was away and had a lot of fun. Boy was it cold! The girls are able to play together more and more. It is fun to get them together.

It has been Christmas at our house since a week before Thanksgiving. Rusty has the outside of our house looking fantastic and is hoping he places in the neighborhood light competition. If he doesn't win this year he says he is stepping it up next year!haha We both worked on the Christmas tree inside. Lilly has magically stayed out of the tree and the presents. She is walking around everything and crawling so much faster on her hands and knees that I am surprised we have not had any problems. Lilly and I also like to listen to nonstop Christmas music every day! If Lilly could sing she would have all the Christmas songs down by now.

Well, we are very excited to celebrate Jesus birth. I am so thankful God sent his son to die for me. I am in awe of God's sacrifice now having a child of my own. I can not fathom giving Lilly up for anyone, let alone someone who is a sinner such as myself. So, I just want to really celebrate this wonderful majestic gift God sent to us so many years ago! May God's free gift of grace be a joy to you this year and many more to come.

Merry Christmas,

Monday, December 1, 2008

Pre-Thanksgiving with the Roush Family

Cousin Katie was so much fun to play with . Lilly just loved being with all of her cousins. Benjamin is in the backgournd drinking a bottle. He is only 6 weeks older then Lilly and is walking all over the house. It is so cute!

Nana has a lot of fun toys to play with at her house. With 8 grandchildren you need a lot of toys!

Granny looked so beautiful for our afternoon lunch.

Aunt Cortney, Benjamin, Tempe, Harrison and Noah. We had a great time visiting with everyone.

Tempe is a great help with the baby's!

I already posted our Roush family photo on a previous blog. The weekend before Thanksgiving we spent a fun weekend in Arapaho visiting with Lilly's cousins. She just laughs and plays and enjoys watching all the activity. It will be a lot of fun when she gets a little older because Noah is only 10 months older and Benjamin is 6 weeks older then Lilly. I wonder how she will do keeping up with the boys. Lilly is an out door girl so, she should be fine getting dirty. She must have inherited that from Rusty, because I never was much for getting any part of me dirty, which kept me inside a lot!

Thanksgiving in Texas

Swimming with Gramps and Grams at the pool.

Lilly loves this Peek a Boo book. It has her picture at the end and I can already tell she likes to look at herself. She smiles when she sees her picture.

Lilly's photo session with her gingerbread outfit near the gingerbread house at the hotel.

Waiting in the Lobby. Lilly enjoyed getting to spend time with her Grams and Aunt Devan.

Aunt Devan rode down to Texas with us in the car and Lilly gave her a good 30 minutes of a screaming fit. All in all Lilly did a great job driving in the car. That was our only little battle. On our way back she slept 2 hours!

We went through an ICE exhibit at the hotel. Everything was made of ice and it was only 9 degrees in the building! Freezing! So, we had to wear these large parkas to keep us warm. It was neat to see these huge displays of ice. Rusty even slide down a slide of ice. Pretty funny. This is Lilly and her Grandma going through the exhibit.

We celebrated Thanksgiving with the Eagon family in Dallas this year. This is a picture of us at the hotel we hate Thanksgiving lunch. It was wonderful! We also meet up with my Dad's brother Clay Don and his new family. It was a very fun Thanksgiving lunch. We had a great time playing around in the Hotel the Texan and shopping on Black Friday! We hope everyone had a great Thanksgiving!
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