Friday, February 19, 2010

Sophia Jacqueline is here

Sophia Jacqueline is here and we are just thrilled. The photo above is me moments before we headed to the hospital at around 7:45pm Monday, Februray 15th. This was my actually due date with Sophia. I had been having contractions all day, but they weren't bad at all. Once I arrived at the hospital I was dillated to a 6 and 4 hours later we had Sophia with no medication and one push! It was just an amazing delivery experience.

Many people have told me through the last week of my pregnancy that they were praying for me and many more people have said that I was on their minds and in their prayers on that specific day. I was so humbled by so many people lifting me up in prayer, because to be honest I just wasn't able to pray for it myself. God blessed me and Rusty so much through the power of prayer. I wanted this experience to go so well and it exceeded my expectations.

Sophia Jacqueline was born at 11:06pm weighing 7lbs 13oz 21in. with dark brown, almost black, hair. Her middle name is here Daddy's Grandmother's name that passed this June. We knew her as Granny.

I will tell you more when I get time. Man, having two little ones is a lot of work, but we are really doing well, just a little tired.

Sunday, February 7, 2010

I heart Chick-fil-A

Lilly turned 2 this week and had a fab birthday at her favorite place Chick-fil-A. She loves Chick-fil-A and asks to go there at least once a week. We were supposed to have her party during the snow storm, but had to cancel. I was so glad that we ended up getting to have it this weekend. She loved playing with her cousin's and her friends Piper and Daxx. All the adults had a good time watching the kids.





Lilly's favorite part of her party was eating the cupcakes. She at the icing first and then every bite to the last crumb. The Chick-fil-A cow came to visit and gave the kids a stuffed cow which was a lot of fun for everyone, but Piper. She did not want to even be in the same room as the cow! My Mom took her to the play area until the Cow had left the building. Poor girl. All the kids had a ton of fun playing in the play place.

Well, many of you know that Rusty shares his birthday with Lilly. On there special day they had a cake sent to them from Nana. Daddy let Lilly lick the frosting off the cake, which she thought was so cool. They had a fun day of celebrating together.

I have to say that I really never just leave my daughter in her pj's all day even when we have no where to go, but for some reason she still had them on at lunch time on her birthday! I guess we were really relaxing and enjoying the day.
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